Electric PLN Jakarta recently completed the selection of players ahead of Futsal Super League (FSL) 2016. The selection, which lasted for 3 days it gets an enthusiastic response from participants, about a little over 250 players of various levels of high school, University, amateur, to the players League Professional subscription selection team from Jakarta.
The number of players who register there are only 4 keeper and 17 players chosen to fill out the squad's core Vennard Hutabarat FSL for 2016. But 21 players who elected it will still follow the selection runs until the League starts. Names like Firm Limas,Fauzi, Bayu Aditya, Geordiyan, Ajibowo, and Hadyan Aldio into the squad. Among the 21 players, there are 2 players selected surprise, they were the players from Bandung Kikin Bayu and Roni "Pogba".
Potentially But Minimal Experience
Kikin and Pogba is a new name in the world of professional futsal Indonesia. Pogbacomplete Roni Syahroni who named it recently started his professional career last season, when he was in uniform Brilyan. While Kikin has never been recorded as a professional League.
At last season's Pogba is the mainstay players Brilyan. Almost every Sepatu Futsal team match Jakarta, he has always been the first choice and rarely rotated. It was supported by a very strong character in the duel, the stamina that is not depleted-out and sustained a strong shooting.
While Kikin is a doorstop defense irreplaceable Padjadjaran University for three years. Students who recently completed a study of its D3 briefly entered the squad Pre PON Kaltim which also België by Veve, greeting the coach Vennard.
Competition and playing style
To persist in team amounted to Electric PLN and got a chance to play, both playersSwell City origin that may need that extra hard work. Pogba hard character must match with Veve style game. The former captain of the national team that predicted Indonesia would implement the style of play is similar to that applied in the Institute scandal Perbanas.
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We could see the game wait Institute scandal Perbanas that tend to rule the ball possession throughout the competition to become the champion Lifuma. The character of the team that built Veve on scandal Perbanas could backfire for Pogba. Although not yet ascertained whether Veve will apply the same tactics in Electric PLN, Pogba could be expelled from the squad if looking at the style of the game goes fast andtends to take the initiative in a rush attack.
Pogba, however not without opportunities to become a mainstay of season 2013 FSL Champions it. Bloody players original sunda was very strong in the last, it can be utilized Veve if he applies the tactics of defence zone that rely on the counter attackgiven the Pogba has above average speed.
Same thing with Roni Pogba, Kikin will also have to issue a sweat more. Post goalkeeper who filled her, Tely, hanna, and Bima Provision that would result in a very tightcompetition. Moreover, the similarity of the characters possessed the fourth goalkeeper it will sweat the Veve as coach. Tely predicted would be the first choice goalkeeper, however, Kikin could make a surprise if performance continues to rise with thegreat talent he had.